Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weight Loss - step by step

Very simple explanation of how to lose weight.

Step by step - set up a plan of so many steps each day and increase it every day by one step.
clipped from

The Simplest Way to Start Weight Loss

By Craig Ballantyne

In a world where there is an overwhelming amount of fat-loss information available, it is still the little things that can mean a lot to a beginner.

Australian researchers confirmed what almost everyone has known all along: To lose weight, you must get moving (keeping in mind that "getting moving" doesn’t require you to run marathons). By monitoring a group of sedentary individuals, they found that when those folks simply added 2,000 steps to the number of steps they normally took each day (about 2,000), they could lose just over an inch from their waistlines.

At the rate of one to two steps per second, that extra 2,000 steps will take you only 17 to 34 minutes of walking per day. If you’re relatively inactive, that will make a big difference. But take it easy. If you try to do too much too fast or are very overweight, even walking can lead to overuse injuries.

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