Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Acne and Exercise

Moderate exercise is actually good for your skin. It helps you maintain a healthy body and manage your stress levels, too. If you find your acne is aggravated by regular exercise, then you may want to examine your routine. What do you wear? Where do you go? How hard do you work? Exercise-related acne is usually caused by something you put on your body rather something you do with it. Remove these outside factors, and you may put an end to your workout breakouts. Here are just a few things to watch for.

Acne & Exercise - Make-up. When exercising, wear as little make-up as possible. Even oil-free and non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) cosmetics can clog pores if worn during heavy exercise. When you’re done working out, wash as soon as possible.

Acne & Exercise - Sunscreen. If your regimen takes you outdoors, always wear sunscreen. While acne may improve slightly after brief periods in the sun, studies show that prolonged exposure actually promotes comedones (clogged pores) and, of course, sun damage. Some kinds of acne medication make skin more sensitive to the sun, so sunscreen is even more important. When choosing a sunscreen, look for products that are oil-free and have a protection factor of at least SPF 15 for both UVA and UVB rays. Like make-up, sunscreen can travel across the skin’s surface and lodge in the pores — so wash immediately after working out.

Acne & Exercise - Clothing. If you’re prone to body acne, avoid garments made exclusively with lycra or nylon. Why? Some synthetic fabrics can trap the heat and moisture against your skin, creating a fertile breeding ground for the bacteria that contribute to acne. For moderate exercise, your best bet is lightweight, loose-fitting cotton, or a lycra-cotton blend. Natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe, and loose garments are less likely to cause friction. If you’re exercising vigorously and working up a good sweat, however, you may want to try some of the new fabrics designed to wick moisture away from your skin.

Acne & Exercise - Equipment. Some people are more likely to get acne or have their lesions aggravated in the areas affected by sports equipment. The best defense against friction-related breakouts is a good fit — make sure your helmet doesn’t slide around on your forehead, or your wetsuit isn’t too tight under the arms. You can also curb equipment-triggered breakouts by lining your helmet with a layer of soft, washable cotton fabric; it's a great use for those old t-shirts, too. And no matter what the sport, it’s always a good idea to keep your equipment clean and dry when not in use.

Acne & Exercise - Moisture. Mom was right: You should get out of those wet clothes! No matter how you get your exercise — treadmill, trail, tennis court, or whatever — don’t sit around in your sweaty clothes or wet bathing suit when you’re done. If you can, shower off immediately and change into dry clothes before driving home. If this isn’t possible, change into dry clothes and wipe down as well as you can. When toweling sweat off your face, always use a clean towel, and blot gently rather than wipe. Vigorous wiping can irritate your skin, driving make-up and sunscreen deeper into the pores.

Acne & Exercise - Showering. Again, it’s best to shower immediately after working out. You may want to use a medicated exfoliant cleanser, but always be gentle with your skin. Scrubbing harder isn’t going to make you any cleaner, or make your acne go away — and it may actually irritate existing lesions or promote the development of new ones. If you can't shower right away, you can still curb breakouts by wiping down with medicated pads; keep a few in your gym bag just in case.

So keep up the good work! A healthy exercise program is an integral part of your overall health; and a healthy body is more likely to have healthy skin. Just keep an eye on the various factors that accompany your regimen, and try to remove the acne triggers — you’ll be on your way to breakout-free workouts.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Acnezine Tips for Day to Day Acne Care

Acnezine treatment for your acne should be accompanied by a healthy skin care routine.

Wash the affected area twice a day with mild soap. Use soap such as Dove, or one that contains benzoyl peroxide, such as Oxy-5. Wash as often necessary to keep the area clean. Do not scrub.

Shampoo the hair regularly.

Keep long hair off the face and shoulders and wash it daily.

Avoid shaving as much as possible; while shaving take care to avoid nicking the pimples.

Use a fresh shaving blade to minimize the chance of spreading the infection.

Avoid use of make-up or cosmetics in areas prone to acne. If you have to wear make-up, use only the hypoallergenic or fragrance free kind.

Don't pop, pick, scratch, or squeeze your pimples. This may cause infection and scarring.

You may use an over-the-counter treatment that contain substances such as benzoyl peroxide (gel or cream) or salicyclic acid. Start with the lowest strength and apply once a day about half an hour after washing. Never use more than 5 percent strength without consulting a physician.

Food and Nutrition Recommendations for Acne:Some doctors believe that acne is not a food related problem. Some alternate practitioners use diet as a basis for their treatment of acne. They recommend that acne patients should eat foods high in beta-carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables. They should also avoid fatty foods. Acnezine controls the oil secretion in your body to protect your skin from getting acne prone.

Vitamin Therapy for Acne:Nutritionists generally suggest:Chromium supplements - Chromium helps boosts the body's ability to break down glucose.Vitamin A - reduces sebum and keratin production. (Caution: taking mega doses of Vitamin A can cause headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint pain and other side effects. Consult a qualified practitioner before taking mega supplements).Vitamin E - an antioxidant (200 to 400 IU a day).Vitamin B-6 50 mg per day. This vitamin aids in the metabolism of hormones and supports the function of Acnezine as well.

Note: People should not try to medicate themselves or others with any of the methods referred to here without the guidance of a qualified practitioner who is thoroughly familiar with both the remedies and the individual’s medical status. Acnezine is an antioxidant, natural product without any side effect that reduces acne.

For more information visit: click here

Monday, October 8, 2007

Acnezine, the natural medication for acne treatment

Scars caused by acne are much more common than doctors once believed; most people will have acne scars that are mild. However, some will have scars that look significant even to others. The best approach is prevention and to treat acne right away as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring, this can minimize the risk of permanent acne scars. Acnezine is the best possible way to treat acne scars. Acne leaves behind different types of acne scars.

Acne scars result from two types of tissue response to the inflammation of acne: (1) increased tissue formation, and (2) loss of tissue.

Increased Tissue FormationThe scars caused by increased tissue formation are called keloids or hypertrophic scars. The word hypertrophy means "enlargement" or "overgrowth." Both hypertrophic and keloid scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen. Overproduction of collagen is a response of skin cells to injury. The excess collagen becomes piled up in fibrous masses, resulting in a characteristic firm, smooth, usually irregularly-shaped scar. Keloids tend to "run in the family"—that is, there is a genetic predisposition to form keloids after tissue injury. African-Americans often have a predisposition to keloid formation. Some families also tend to form hypertrophic acne scars or thickened acne scars.

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Acnezine, the natural medication for acne treatment serves a major role reducing such types of acne.

Acne Scars Resulting From Loss of TissuesAcne scars resulting from loss of tissue are more common than scars resulting from increased tissue formation. There are several types:Ice-pick acne scars get their name from their appearance. They may be superficial or deep, are usually small in diameter and have steep sides like an ice-pick wound. They may be hard or soft to the touch; the soft acne scars are usually more superficial and the hard scars deeper. The base of hard scars under the skin may be wider than the scar at the surface of the skin.Depressed fibrotic acne scars are usually large scars that have sharp margins and steep sides. They are similar in appearance to deep chicken pox scars.Superficial and deep soft acne scars are variable in size, and have sloping edges that merge with normal skin.

Follicular macular atrophy is more likely to occur on the chest or back of a person with acne. These are small, white, soft lesions, often barely raised above the surface of the skin—somewhat like whiteheads that didn’t fully develop. This condition is sometimes also called "perifollicular elastolysis." The lesions may persist for months to years.

There are many types of treatment to cure Acne. But Acnezine is a natural acne removal medication with no side effects!

For more information visit: click here

Sunday, October 7, 2007

How the Power of Your Mind Can Help You Become Healthy and Fit

Wouldn't it be great if we could attain the body of our dreams just by thinking about it? What if I told you that your mind actually plays the most important role in your success in getting fit? Sounds crazy, but it's true...

Our subconscious mind has one all-important job, and it succeeds every time. What is this job? To prove that your beliefs are true. Note the wording here: To prove that YOUR BELIEFS are true. Not to point out what is actually true. In fact, your mind can't distinguish between whether an event is really happening or not. Visualization is a powerful tool. There have been studies done with athletes. The athlete is told to visualize his/her event in their mind and talk themselves through the event. After the event has happened, their coach played a video tape of their actual event and in many cases, the actual event was identical to the athlete's prior description of the event before the event happened.

Your beliefs are the truth for your life. Whether or not these beliefs are in fact true doesn't matter. If you believe something to be true, then your subconscious mind will perceive the universe around you in such a way that makes this belief true.

So how does this relate to your fitness level?

If you have the belief that getting in shape is hard, that eating healthy is boring, or that weight loss is elusive then you will find getting in shape to be very difficult. If you think of yourself as a fat person, or an out-of-shape person, or just an average person then your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep you that way.

Take a minute to let that sink in.

The great thing about our subconscious mind is that we can train it to work for us instead of against us. All we have to do is change our belief.

I'm sure you have heard the term "Believe and Achieve" - many schools have this painted on their walls and it is even printed on T-shirts. Well, the concept is absolutely true and when applied can bring success to your door faster than you thought possible.

It won't help if you simply think that it 'isn't impossible' or that 'it could happen someday.' These aren't true beliefs.

In order to have your desired result you need to truly believe with every fiber of your being that you will achieve this goal. If you are overweight then close your eyes and picture yourself fit. If you have fifty pounds to lose then think of yourself as fifty pounds lighter.


Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you can visit her website. http://www.the-invisible-gym.com/

